Holy hell... has it really been over a month since I posted here??? Sorry 'bout that.
I finished a course a couple of weeks ago (highly recommend, btw) and I've just been letting it sink in since then, to be honest. I've also been doing lots of little 'life cleanup' things.
Oh, just as the course was ending, I got rid of my TV. (Full disclosure, I've never been a big TV watcher.) That said, I don't miss it at all. I thought there might be a slight period of adjustment, but it's been fine. You would be shocked at how much other stuff I've gotten done. It's created this sense of space and I feel like I have so much more time!
With this new-found sense of freedom and time, I've been really trying to commit to surrounding myself with a lot of creative energy. My own, and that of others.
I'd love to say I've been getting outside more, but that's not necessarily true. See, here in the South, we had a couple of weeks of glorious Spring weather, but it would appear that that is over and we're into Summer already. (We've already had temps in the 90s, if that tells you anything.)
On the art front, I've started a new series of abstract paintings. Yes, most of my work is abstract, but these are pure abstraction and really embrace that sorta rough, textured quality. It's been nice to take a break from what you usually do and change it up. I feel like changing things up when they feel stagnant gives me art new life. See, that's the thing I LOVE about working in abstraction; there is so much freedom in it. You can be structured, rough & tumble, or totally free. Sometimes all in one painting. I can't wait to unveil them! Hopefully in the next week or two here.
If you've followed me for awhile, you know I'm also doing lots of prep work for my move at the end of the summer. Since I'm going from about 1,200 square feet to closer to 600 square feet, it's been a lot of culling out and getting down to the basics & things that mean a lot to me. Some may see this as going backwards or deprivation, but I see it as getting closer to my core self and what I want my life to be.
I'm super excited to be moving out to the country, and be surrounded by nature again. That's one of the biggest detractors to living in a city (at least, mine); I miss being able to walk out my door into nature. The flip side of that, of course, is that you have to make the pilgrimage into the city if you want to go see a show/go out to dinner/etc.
With all that, you're pretty much caught up on my life at the moment. I'll try to do a better job going forward on updates. And, once I get the final adjustments made on my biz website, I'll be sharing that with you here as well, so keep an eye out!
Oh, and Xander says hello ;)
xoxo -
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