Wednesday, February 12

coming together

I'm sitting here nursing the headache from hell & watching these beautiful huge chunks of snow fall from the sky, while listening to "Beg Steal Borrow" on Pandora.  We're starting to get what is supposed to be a huge snow storm (for us; it's the South, okay?), and I'm oddly excited.

Confession:  I love snow. I love looking at it, I love the way it looks while it's coming down, I love that quiet that you get when snow is falling.  It's like the Earth is taking a small time out.

I'd love to say I've been uber productive this last week, but that would be a lie.  I'm starting to get back on track now.  I've read several books this past week, and I've got oh so many more that will have their pages turned over this next week.  I'm in the middle of Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkston Estès.  A definite must read.  It talks about the Wild Woman archetype, how it's been lost, negated and often dismissed in our current society, and how it really is a part of every woman's DNA on some level.  If you're interested in feminine psychology and the role of the feminine psyche in the world, check it out.  You won't regret it.

I also spent about 4 hours in the studio last night.  I'm working to complete a series of 10 mini paintings (they are 8x8) that I've been working on for a couple of weeks.  I never intend for these things to take as long as they ultimately do.  Why is that, I wonder?  Why do things always seem to take longer than we think they will, even with the best of intentions?

Here's a little preview of what I've gotten so far (or at least what I was able to work on last night).

This one is finished.  Last night, as I was working on it, I thought "This isn't finished.. something is missing..."  But as I look at it right now, I thing anything more would be way too much.  So I call it done!  That said, it has no name as of right now.

Again, no name yet, but I feel good about this one.  Simple, definitely different from most of my work.  But I love that about it.  You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone sometimes and do something way different.  I also love dreamcatchers, so.

This one is coming along, and is definitely better than I thought it would be as of earlier in the night.  I'm having trouble with the elephants face, though.  The colors just aren't right.  Don't worry, I'm not done with the background yet either. It kinda reminds me of working on the Buddha I did earlier in the year.  Slow to progress but ultimately one of my faves.

 Again, way different from most of my work.  (This is also kindof a crappy picture, so sorry about that.)  You can see more of the metallic and details in the next image.  It's done, but not named. Are you sensing a theme yet?

Now this one, this is my problem child.  I  just haven't been able to make much come out of it as of yet.  I think the two figures in the lower R corner will stick around, but beyond that, I have no plan.  No color scheme, no theme, nothing.  Hopefully I'll have more to report to you soon.

Let's see; what else?  Oh. I've been working to pick paint colors for when I move this Fall.  I know what you're thinking; way early.  True, but I like to have little things like that handled as much as possible.  Beyond that, I've been hangin' at the farm alot of late.  It's been nice being out of the city, though.  Also, seeing this guy more often:

Isn't he cute?! His name is Spencer; he's a 7 month old Bernese Mountain Dog.  Wild as the day is long, but such a big heart, as is typical with Berners. 

I've had so many great changes happen in my life since the start of the year.  They are big things, important things, things that needed to happen.  But they are also small things, things that are simple mindset shifts.  Either way, I feel blessed and incredibly grateful for the mindspace these changes bring.

Much love -

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