Friday, February 21

tons of bricks

It's been a strange couple of weeks.

On the one hand, things are looking up. I've already accomplished two of my big goals for the year (first, finding a new home, and second, finding a new day job).  And since those are two BIG things off my plate, it frees me up to focus on other things.  Art stuff, biz stuff, life stuff.

In my experience, any time you are in a transition, there's a bit of joy & excitement at the new opportunities to come, and a bit of sadness.  And sometimes, as is the case now, there are the moments of "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore!"

Change begets change.  When you make changes in one area of your life, it's bound to bring change in other areas that you didn't anticipate.  The clarity that comes with those big changes often sheds light on things that you know deep down in your heart of hearts, but try oh-so-hard to pretend you don't see.  In others as well as yourself. 

I've realized, just this week, that I have some of the most amazing people in my life, and I'm slowly bringing in more like-minded people.  Now the flipside, of course, is that I'm also realizing that some people & relationships have to be released, transformed, or otherwise minimized in order for em to reap the rewards & enjoy all the gorgeous people I'm meeting.  (I kinda love/hate that moment of realization.  You know it's what needs to happen, but it's hard to let go of who you want someone to be.)

As I've said before, my words for 2014 are simplicity and deep dive.  Getting rid of the dead weight so I can lighten the load & make room for deep diving into the things & relationships that I love & that fill me up, that make me happy.  That not only allow me to be me, but honor & celebrate that.

I was reading a blog earlier today and, when scrolling through the comments, found something that I just had to share:

"I always feel when I'm ... closer to my creative self, I'm closest to the person I truly am under all the layers that life causes you to build up around you."

Ya know when you find something that someone has said that resonates so deeply within your soul that the only way you can express it is to quote them?  This was my ton of bricks for the day.

Instead of trying to figure out how to let something go, just create.  Your soul will work it out.  Tweet that!

That's my new mantra. 

Besos -

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